Overcome Phobias With Hypnotherapy

First and foremost, you are not alone. It has been estimated that around half the population of Britain has a phobia or an irrational fear of something. Whether it be a fear of heights, a fear of flying, a fear of spiders, a fear of wasps, or something else, then rest assured that it is likely that Rest Bay Hypnotherapy has already helped someone with a similar phobia to you.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines a phobia as ‘An extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something’. The key word here is ‘irrational’.  You know deep down that a spider in the UK can’t kill you, but on seeing one you may uncontrollably scream and have to get away from it as fast as you can. You may also decide that from now on you aren’t going anywhere that you think a spider might be present, which in turn starts to affect your life, in terms of how you behave and where you go.

Usually, these irrational fears and anxieties, stem from an unpleasant experience sometime in the past, usually (but not always) from childhood. Even though the unpleasant experience was not life-threatening, your subconscious mind at that point has deemed that it was and so in the future, it will do everything that it can to keep you away from that threat. It does this by making you feel scared or panicky. Your breathing can become erratic, your heart starts to pound, and you just have this overall feeling that you have to get away.

List Of Phobias That Rest Bay Hypnotherapy Has Experience Of Dealing With:

Fear Of Dentists
Fear Of Driving
Fear Of Heights
Fear Of Flying
Fear Of Needles
Fear Of Public Speaking
Fear Of Being Sick (Or Seeing Sick)
Fear Of Spiders
Fear Of Wasps

Hypnotherapy in just a couple of sessions can often make a real difference to the way you think about your phobia and how you react to that situation. So call us today on 07533 619217 for more information or send us an enquiry.