Guide to Stop Vaping With Hypnotherapy
Have you had enough of Vaping? Does it do nothing for you anymore? Then it is time to stop with the help of Hypnotherapy.
What is Hypnotherapy and its benefits in quitting vaping?
Hypnotherapy is in essence the process of achieving a state of relaxation within an individual. This state when accompanied by visualisation, can become a powerful tool to change the way a person automatically thinks about a habit such as vaping. The change can be rapid and often only one session of Hypnotherapy is required for someone to stop vaping.
You may have moved to vaping after being a cigarette smoker, or have started because your friends do. Either way, you are now a habitual user and addicted in some way to the nicotine that the vapes contain. You know that it is time to change and give up when the vapes no longer do anything or very little for you, but you simply carry on vaping, because that is what you do.
Stop poisoning your body with the chemicals that vapes contain. Give your lungs a break, they are not designed to be taking in these vapours regularly. And stop planning your life around when you will get your next vape. By giving up now you will have more money in your pocket but more importantly, you will have a clear head and be back in control of your life. The current reality is that vapes are in control of you.
Work Out What You Get From Vaping
Most people when I ask them this question, answer by saying that they get nothing from vaping. Well, if that were the case, why do they vape? Is it purely just a bad habit? Well, it may be part habit, but the likelihood is that you do get something from it. You may feel that it calms you down, or it makes you more sociable with others who also vape, or you get a few minutes of peace to yourself. By working out what you get from vaping, then you can plan to replace that need/benefit with a healthier option. So find another way to destress or be calmer, still plan to take those times for yourself, realise that your social life won’t disappear if you don’t vape. Doing this will make it much easier to give up and stay off the vapes.
Interrupt The Habit
You are likely to vape at similar times every day or in certain situations. So at work you may vape, if you are driving in the car you may vape. If you start to change these times and situations, then you interrupt the established habitual pattern and in turn, this can make it easier to then give up. So for example say to yourself; I will no longer vape in the car. I will only vape at work at lunchtime and or on recognised breaks. If you can also make a conscious effort to reduce the number of times that you vape each day then this will help too. If necessary keep a diary of how many times you vape each day and where and then consciously make an effort to reduce this number.
Book A Hypnotherapy Session
Hypnotherapy can help you give up vaping on several levels. It can make you more motivated to stop. It can interrupt the habit of vaping, by removing the desire to have one. It can make you believe that vapes taste disgusting and mitigate any withdrawal symptoms. The Hypnotherapy combined with the measures above that you can do, combine to make Hypnotherapy effective in helping people such as yourself to give up vaping and for good. However everyone is different and not everyone finds Hypnotherapy effective, so nothing is guaranteed. But if you don’t give it a go then you will never know…
Cost And Number Of Sessions Required
Try Hypnotherapy now to stop vaping and regain control of this aspect of your life. Normally only one session is required either by online video link or in-person in South Wales. Prices from £75 online and £99 in person.
After Your Appointment
It is usually best to keep yourself busy in the days after your appointment. Keeping your mind occupied and your hands engaged further supports the Hypnotherapy in breaking the habit for good.