
In-Person In Porthcawl Hypnotherapy Sign

In-person appointments are available at a comfortable therapy room in Porthcawl, near Bridgend. The prices for these are:

Each Hypnotherapy Session £55

Stop Smoking or Stop Vaping Session £99 (single two-hour session). Reduced to £75 for January & February 2025.
EFT £35
Mindfulness £35

In-Person In Swansea
At The Life Therapy Centre

In-person appointments are also available in Swansea City Centre at the Life Therapy Cente on Pell Street (SA1 3ES). The prices for these are:

Each Hypnotherapy Session £65

Stop Smoking or Stop Vaping £125 (single two-hour session), Reduced to £99 for January & February 2025.

Remotely Via Online Zoom. WhatsApp or Skype

Therapy can also be effective using an internet video link which is free for you to use.

The prices for these are:

Each Hypnotherapy Session £45

Stop Smoking or Stop Vaping Hypnotherapy Session £99 (single two-hour session). Reduced to £75 for January & February 2025.

NHS Staff Discount

I offer a 10% discount on the above prices to NHS Staff members.

NHS Discount Card Porthcawl