Hypnotherapy To Stop Smoking

Hypnotherapy has been found to be one of the most effective ways of stopping smoking and stopping smoking for good. Duncan Adams of Rest Bay Hypnotherapy is an ex-smoker himself, so he knows at first- hand what it is like to be a smoker and how difficult it can be to give up the habit. Duncan has helped many people give up smoking through the use of hypnotherapy, with some subsequently commenting on how easy it was to stop, whilst some others believing that they have never smoked, so therefore don’t smoke!

The hypnotherapy session is tailored to you. So for example, if you are worried about subsequently putting weight on after giving up, then hypnotherapy can help prevent that happening too.

Smoking cessation at Rest Bay Hypnotherapy is just one single consultation and hypnotherapy session, which can last up to two hours. It costs just £125 in-person, but considering how much cigarettes cost, around £10 a packet of 20 nowadays, you will soon re-coupe your outlay.

All that is asked of you is that you have a real deep desire to give up smoking. So ask yourself on a scale of 1-10, with ten being the highest, how committed you are to giving up? If you answer seven or below then hypnotherapy may not be right for you at this time, because without that real desire hypnotherapy may not work for you, as it doesn’t work for everybody. For those who have that real desire to give up it, then there is a far higher chance of success.

So if you are ready to stop smoking once and for all and want to start enjoying the benefits of; improving your health, saving money, smelling fresh, regaining your sense of taste, not having to leave the restaurant or bar to go outside in the cold and rain to light up and feel a better person who is proud that they have overcome this habit then contact us today to make an appointment or to find out more.

Remember Duncan Adams of Rest Bay Hypnotherapy is available seven days a week, including evenings, so we’ll find a time to suit you.