Guide To Stop Smoking With Hypnotherapy

Why Consider Hypnotherapy To Stop Smoking?

Well, you have probably already tried other ways to give up smoking, such as using patches or going “cold turkey” and have then failed. So you need a different approach. Hypnotherapy is one of the most effective ways of stopping smoking and stopping smoking for good. Hypnotherapy works on your subconscious mind, that part of your mind that automatically wants you to smoke at certain times and believes that smoking is good for you.  Hypnotherapy not only helps you break the habit, by changing the way you think about cigarettes but can make you more motivated to give up and then stay off them.

Below are some pointers to help you start the process of stopping smoking, before coming to your Hypnotherapy Appointment. You don’t have to do these, but it may be helpful and improve your chances of stopping for good if you do.

Work Out What You Get From Smoking

When I ask people what they get from smoking, they often reply “Nothing”.  Well, that may be partly true, smoking is mostly a habit, but there will be reasons why you smoke.  Understanding what those reasons are, then it makes it easier to give up and even more importantly to stay off the cigarettes for good. So for example, if you smoke at times because you are feeling stressed, then what are you going to do in the future to relieve stress without a cigarette? By understanding some of your motivations now as to why you smoke at times and planning as to what you will do instead in the future, then you are more likely to stay off the cigarettes for good. So in the example above you may decide to reduce your stress by going out for a walk, or going to the gym, or simply just popping outside with tea or coffee to give yourself a break. Whatever you feel may work best for you.

Start To Change Your Smoking Habits

You probably smoke mostly at the same times everyday ie On waking, or in the car going to work, or at lunchtimes, or just before bed. Similarly there will be daily events that you will trigger you to smoke; having a drink, after meals. These reinforce your smoking habit, so if you can start to change some of these habits, it will in turn help you to stop smoking for good. So for example, delay the time of having that first cigarette, or bar yourself from smoking in the car. This way you start to interrupt your smoking habit and makes it easier to give up.

Cut Down The Number Of Cigarettes That You Smoke Each Day

You roughly like most smokers, normally smoke the same number of cigarettes each day. Again this reinforces the daily habit. So in conjunction with interrupting the habit above, start to reduce the number of cigarettes that you smoke each day. This will not only reduce your nicotine intake, but again help the process of giving up smoking.

Book A Hypnotherapy Appointment

Now don’t feel that you have to do all of the above before you book an appointment. That is not the case. It helps though if you do, but just as importantly I am getting you to understand more about when and why you smoke. It is normally best to book an appointment for a week or so ahead. As the practice can be busy you are more likely to get an appointment time that you want. But also by booking in advance, in the time in-between you are getting your mind subconsciously prepared to quit, a week on Tuesday, Saturday or whenever.

Cost And Only One Session Required

Smoking cessation at Rest Bay Hypnotherapy is just one single consultation and hypnotherapy session, which can last around 90 minutes. It costs just £125 in-person, in Porthcawl or £99 online using the internet. In-person appointments are also available in Swansea or Cardiff and this costs £125 (this cost is higher to cover my travelling costs), but for the month October or Stoptober, I am offering a reduced price of just £99! Considering how much cigarettes cost, around £13 a packet of 20 nowadays, you can soon re-coupe your outlay.

After Your Hypnotherapy Appointment

Make sure you no longer have any cigarettes on you or in the house etc.. Remove (preferably throw away) any smoking items such as ashtrays and lighters. Then make sure that in the coming days, you keep yourself busy, which keeps your mind occupied. A recording of the Hypnotherapy part of the session will also be given to you, which you can then listen to at home, in the days after the session, which can reinforce the Hypnotherapy itself.

Why Choose Rest Bay Hypnotherapy?

Duncan Adams of Rest Bay Hypnotherapy is an ex-smoker himself, so he knows at first- hand what it is like to be a smoker and how difficult it can be to give up the habit. Duncan has helped many people give up smoking through the use of hypnotherapy, with some subsequently commenting on how easy it was to stop, whilst some others after the Hypnotherapy session believe that they have never smoked, so therefore don’t smoke! The hypnotherapy session is tailored to you. So for example, if you are worried about subsequently putting weight on after giving up, then hypnotherapy can help prevent that happening too.

All that is asked of you is that you have a real deep desire to give up smoking. So ask yourself on a scale of 1-10, with ten being the highest, how committed you are to giving up? If you answer seven or below then hypnotherapy may not be right for you at this time, because without that real desire hypnotherapy may not work for you, as it doesn’t work for everybody. For those who have that real desire to give up it, then there is a far higher chance of success.

So if you are ready to stop smoking once and for all and want to start enjoying the benefits of; improving your health, saving money, smelling fresh, regaining your sense of taste, not having to leave the restaurant or bar to go outside in the cold and rain to light up and feel a better person who is proud that they have overcome this habit then contact me today to make an appointment or to find out more.

Remember Duncan Adams of Rest Bay Hypnotherapy is available seven days a week, including evenings, so we’ll find a time to suit you.